Brooklyn College – Academic Policies & Resources

A. CUNY Guidelines: Use of Cameras during Online Class

“Faculty utilizing Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate and other digital technology to deliver course curriculum and materials must be sensitive to issues of privacy. Faculty offering classes through web conferencing cannot require students to turn on their cameras during classes unless there is a pedagogical need to do so. 

If an instructor has determined that there is a pedagogical need to require the use of cameras: (1) the requirement for students to be visible on video must be communicated to students in advance of registration and enrollment, and (2) students who do not have access to cameras and therefore are unable to comply with the requirement must be accommodated. These rules must also be followed if an instructor plans to use a technology that requires students to turn on their cameras during test-taking.” 

B. Students with Disabilities

“The Center for Student Disability Services (CSDS) is committed to ensuring students with disabilities enjoy an equal opportunity to participate at Brooklyn College. In order to receive disability-related academic accommodations, students must first be registered with CSDS. Students who have a documented disability or suspect they may have a disability are invited to schedule an interview by calling (718) 951-5538 or emailing [email protected] If you have already registered with CSDS, email [email protected] or [email protected] to ensure accommodation emails are sent to your professor.”  

C. Sexual and Gender-based Harassment, Discrimination, and Title IX 

From the College Administration: Brooklyn College is committed to fostering a safe, equitable and productive learning environment. Students experiencing any form of prohibited discrimination or harassment on or off campus can find information about the reporting process, their rights, specific details about confidentiality, and reporting obligations of Brooklyn College employees on the Office of Diversity and Equity Programs website.

All reports of sexual misconduct or discrimination should be made to Ivana Bologna, Title IX Coordinator (718.951.5000, ext. 3689), and may also be made to Public Safety (719.951.5511), the New York City Police.

D. Basic Needs

Your safety and well-being are important to me. There are resources right on campus, free of charge to you: a food pantry, a micro-grant for emergencies (money for emergency rent, to replace or buy textbooks), psychological counseling services (free and confidential to all our students), an on campus health clinic), and for undocumented students (at the Immigrant Student Support Office, [email protected] , 17 Roosevelt Hall). Come talk to me about any of these and I will direct you to those resources.

E. Academic Integrity

The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for policy implementation can be found at If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member MUST report the violation. Students should be aware that faculty may use plagiarism detection software.

F. Navigating Immigration Status?

I support the rights of undocumented students to an education. If you have any concerns, feel free to discuss them with me, and I will respect your wishes concerning confidentiality. For resources and support, please check Brooklyn College’s Immigrant Student Support Office.