
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this class, you should be able to: 

  • Explain different definitions of democracy
  • Identify the structure, functions, and shortcomings of American government 
  • Think critically about American political institutions and processes 
  • Identify ways in which individuals, groups, and corporations can influence politics 
  • Understand the historical context in which American government was created
  • Identify credible sources to support your arguments 

Course Materials

The main textbook we will be using for this course is a free, open educational resource: 

American Government 3e (3rd edition) by Glen Krutz and Sylvia Waskiewicz from OpenStax

Additional readings will be linked on the ‘Course Schedule’ tab. I will update this page regularly, so you can always find the most recent readings posted there.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please email me at pcordero(at) I aim to respond to all emails within 48 hours, but I will let you all know if you should expect longer response times for any reason.

COMMUNICATION IS KEY! I will only know if you are struggling if you come to me and discuss your circumstances. Life happens and I know most of you are balancing several important priorities, but I can only work with you if you communicate! If there is something you are not comfortable discussing over email, please set up a personal appointment with me.


Attendance and active participation are necessary to pass this course. Participation does not just mean being physically present in the room; it means coming prepared to class, taking notes, asking questions, listening to your peers, and fostering conversation. As you read, take notes on any points that might illuminate key topics from class, new vocabulary you come across, important ideas, people, and dates. 

No more than two unexcused absences, additional absences will reflect in your class grade. Please let me know in advance if you plan to miss a class so I can count your absences excused. 


Weekly Discussion Questions20%
Midterm Assignment20%
Paper Draft w/ bibliography 20%
Final Paper 20%

I aim to provide a grading system that is fair and manageable. If you are worried about missing a deadline and need an extension, please talk to me as soon before the due date as possible. The more notice I have, the easier it is for me to work with you to provide an alternative.

I am not interested in failing students because of late work. Let’s work together!